
Technical fabrics innovations are not only the domain of the R+D+I department

“The future of technical fabrics
can be found in ongoing improvement
and the search for new products
that do not exist yet”.


Being in an ongoing process of research and innovation, performing tests and studying the behaviour of new textile fibres and new thread combinations, allows us to develop protective fabrics that are more and more specialised.

We have the latest technology in laboratory equipment and highly qualified personnel, and thanks to this we can develop new compositions of fabrics as well as explore new areas, and test the technical fabrics innovations.

R+D+I means searching for, broadening and consolidating new products in order to respond to a market that is more and more demanding each day with regards to workplace protection.

Our facilities offer 3 unique laboratories where up to 300 technical tests are performed daily.

In order to guarantee that our fabrics are safe, resistant and above all, comfortable, we perform tests that include:

  • Fire and heat laboratory: testing for fire resistance and high temperature.
  • Mechanical property laboratory: testing for traction, tearing, abrasion, colour and washings; testing for comfort, breathability, thermal insulation, sweat and water vapour.
  • R+D+I laboratory: new fibre behaviour and development.

The laboratories perform tests on each fabric section and the results are sent to the clients.


In 2018 we were recognized as an Innovative SME company.

Through this Seal, the Department of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain recognizes companies that carry out activities in the field of research, technological development and innovation. The famous R + D + I.

One of the necessary requirements to receive this distinction is that the company has demonstrated an innovative character through its own patent in operation or a positive binding reasoned report.


Our laboratories perform exhaustive quality controls, the results of which are automatically sent to our clients.

We incorporate tools that help us to improve our workflow and client relations. For example, we have a private extranet that allows us to consult our stocks, manufacture times and delivery status in real time, among other parts of the purchase process.

Our only aim is to help our clients better plan their business strategy.


We believe that the knowledge exchange is an essential component for both company growth and social development.

Our collaboration with the Industrial Technology Development Centre (CDTI, per abbr. in Spanish) allows us to develop technical fabrics innovations:

Also, we favor the exchange of knowledge through clusters, such as THE CATALAN TECHNICAL TEXTILES’ CLUSTER, and collaborating with university projects, thanks to which we can study and launch new production processes to reduce consumption of waste water. This we achieve by using machinery that uses dry materials and does not generate waste for our finishing processes.

TEFILTE is a project for the recovery of textile waste for the manufacture of recycled technical yarn and fabric (Project Code ARC027/20/000135).
This promising and demanding project for the company aims to improve the Circular Economy and Sustainability of the Textile value chain. 
The realisation of the project is possible thanks to the funds of the Projects for the Promotion of Circular Economy 2020 of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya and Generalitat de Catalunya. 


The implementation of intelligent logistics processes allow us to move 60 km. of fabric everyday, thanks to automated workflows and very precise tracking.


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