Special finishes for fire resistant fabrics

At Marina Textil, we use various abbreviations internally in order to name our special finishes for fabrics and easily identify what type of finish they have.
The following table explains what type of finish corresponds to which abbreviation:




ALAluminisedAluminised fabrics are used to produce garments that offer thermal insulation and protect wearers that are subjected to constant radiant heat. In addition, the aluminium laminate provides additional mechanical protection against abrasion, tearing, cuts and perforation.
ATAnti-staticAnti-static fabrics help prevent or eliminate static electricity for personal protection or the protection of devices, thus preventing damage from electrostatic discharge.
FCFluorocarbon F6Fluorocarbon in fabrics helps the fabric repel acids and oils.
FLPSweatshirt fleece, thermal insulationSweatshirt fleece fabrics provide thermal insulation.
FPPolar fleece, thermal insulator.Polar fleece fabrics provide thermal insulation.
HVHigh-visibility tintThe primary objective of high-visibility fabrics is to address the need to be seen. Garments produced using high-visibility fabrics are used for monochromatic and high-traffic areas where it is important to be able to easily see standing personnel.
IRBreathable impermeable membraneFabrics with membranes are used to manufacture garments for outdoor jobs. In addition, they are fabrics that protect against the cold and rain.
PXNonwoven thermal barrierPX nonwoven fabric is used as a thermal barrier when producing multi-layer garments.
RSHigh-resistance crosshatch threadsRipstop fabric substantially improves the mechanical resistance of garments. It is used for groups such as firefighters, forestry workers and the military, where these properties are very important.
SWSpecial treatment with ceramic nanoparticlesFabrics with SW properties provide better protection against welder’s risks. They can also be used for reinforcement in areas of the garment that are exposed to greater wear (knees, forearms, etc.).
SXSpecial treatment with ceramic nanoparticlesFabrics with the SX property provide extra protection against splashes from certain metals while prohibiting filtration of dust and gases derived from high temperatures. They can also be used as reinforcement in areas of the garment that are exposed to greater wear (knees, forearms, etc.).
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