EN iso 469

Performance requirements for protective clothing for firefighting

EN ISO 469 – This European standard specifies the minimum required levels for protective clothing that is used during firefighting procedures and associated activities.





 ISO 7000-2418

Protective equipment for firefighters – Pictogram.

ISO 13688

Pictograma etiquetaje prenda.

ISO 15025

Protective clothing – Protection against flames – Method of test for limited flame spread.

A1 o A2


Protective clothing for heat and flames: the assembly of components or of multilayer clothing must obtain the following performance levels and be classified as such. When performance levels 1 and 2 are present in the same garment or multilayer clothing assembly, it should be classified under the lowest level, that is, level 1.

IndexLevel 1Level 2
HTL24≥ 9.0≥ 13.0
HTL24 – HTL12≥ 3.0≥ 4.0


Protective clothing – Protection against heat and fire: the assembly of components or of multi-layer clothing must obtain the following performance levels and be classified as such. When performance levels 1 and 2 are present in the same garment or multilayer clothing assembly, it should be classified under the lowest level, that is, level 1. The test is performed with a heat flow of 40 kW/m².

IndexLevel 1Level 2
HTL24≥ 10.0≥ 18.0
HTL24 – HTL12≥ 3.0≥ 4.0

ISO 13934-1

Three test samples must be tested in the warp direction and 3 test samples in the weft direction of the exterior material after application of radiant heat at a flow density of 10 kW/m².

Each test sample must have traction resistance of ≥ 450 N

ISO 17493

Resistance to heat at 180ºC (ISO 17493): over a 5-minute exposure time, each material utilised in the assembly of the clothing must not combust or melt, and must not shrink more than 5% in any direction. Each material is tested separately. Rigid accessories, of the kind or kinds that will be used in the finished garment, must function after performing this test.

ISO 13937-2

Textiles – Traction properties of fabrics – Part 2: Determination of maximum force using the tear method

≥ 25 N (exterior material)

ISO 13934-1

Textiles – Tensile properties of fabrics – Part 1: Determination of maximum force and elongation of maximum force using the strip method.

≥ 450 N (exterior material)

ISO 5077

Dimensional stability (EN ISO 5077) Each layer is tested separately. A sample is prepared with a combination of all of the materials that comprise the garment and sewn on all four sides. If the result is greater than 10%, 2 more samples are tested and the result is the mean of the 3 tests.

± 3% for woven fabrics and ± 5% for knitted fabrics.


Resistance to penetration by liquid chemical products (EN ISO 6530): for each of the tests performed, the entire group of materials must not show any penetration up to the innermost layer of the garment and the repellancy index must be classified at ≥ 80 for the lowest result obtained with a 10-second application of the following chemical products:
Chemical product

Concentration (%)

Temperature ± 2ºC
NaOH 40 20
 HCI 36 20
 H2SO2 30 20
 C– H10 (o-xylene) 100 20

There must not be any penetration up to the innermost layer of the garment, and the repellancy index must be classified at ≥ 80.


Resistance to water penetration (EN 20811): every test, including the stitching, must achieve one of the two performance levels using a pressure increment of (0.98 ± 0.05) kPa/min;
• Level 1 < 20 kPa, for garments without a moisture barrier.
• Level 2 ≥ 20 kPa, for garments with a moisture barrier.
Markings will be Y1 or Y2, depending on the level achieved.

• Level 1 < 20 kPa, for garments without a moisture barrier.
• Level 2 ≥ 20 kPa, for garments with a moisture barrier.
Markings will be Y1 or Y2, depending on the level achieved.


Resistance to water vapour, Ret (EN 31092): tests the entire group of materials, except for anti-capillarity barriers and retroreflective and fluorescent bands.

Minimum requirements are:
• Level 1 > 30 m²Pa/W
• Level 2 ≤ 30 m²Pa/W.
Markings will be Z1 or Z2, depending on the level achieved.

ISO 13506

ISO 13506 Manikin test is tested with a flow density of 84 kW/m² and an exposure time of 8 seconds.


Performing the test at a temperature of 20ºC.

The exterior fabric must present a wetting level of ≥ 4.

Sectors where EN ISO 469 is applied


some of the Marina Textil fabrics that are EN ISO 469 compliant

If you have any questions, please contact our technical department experts.

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